Menu ID: 257 ProcID: 0 Enabled flags: 0xFFFFFFFF Title: Rules Items: (zero-terminated list) Items[0] Name: 1. Object: To locate and attain the highest possible wealth. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[1] Name: 2. Players alternate turns to find pairs of common objects Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[2] Name: by opening and closing doors. Each successful pair awards Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[3] Name: a certain dollar prize. Three conditions prevent the gain Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[4] Name: of additional wealth: Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[5] Name: If a 'Cop' is paired with any singular prize - he takes a bribe. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[6] Name: If a 'Robber' is paired with any singular prize - he steals Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[7] Name: some money. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[8] Name: If a 'Cop' and 'Robber' are paired together, they are Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[9] Name: eliminated - thus protecting your winnings. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[10] Name: Difficulty increases as rounds are completed, thus inviting Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[11] Name: the visit of more 'Cops' and 'Robbers'. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[12] Name: Game play continues through Round 12. Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Note: template did not parse all data in resource; remaining data: 00